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Where is the weirdest or most inappropriate place you have had an orgasm?

  1. Went to a halloween party when I was 14 ish. It was at my brother's best friend's house. Well his bestfriend had a sister around my age, and she was dressed as a witch with a skirt and long stockings. We were just watching movies downstairs, and I was laying on my stomach, and she came and laid on my back. Long story short, she was teasing me by licking my ear, and I came in my pants. Had to pretend I was asleep when it was time to go upstairs so I could sneak into the bathroom and cleanup/get rid of my boner
    — sloth_sloth666

  2. In a hospital, while being a patient.
    — flurreeh

  3. During Hurricane Sandy, I walked out of my backdoor and jerked off into the wind. I'm not proud.... Yes I am.
    — jjbutts

  4. My boyfriend just told me last night that he'd stick his penis in the jets at the public pool to get off when he was like 8-11 years old... children at the pool will never look the same to me.
    — terrorium

  5. 8th grade, week long field trip to DC, we stopped at Montecello and as we stopped I awoke from a wet dream sitting next to my good friend at the time. Was wearing khaki shorts and yes it was visible. Nobody noticed though I hope.
    — alittletoohazy

  6. Girl from tinder I was talking to was at the hospital because her dad wasnt doing so well. It was getting pretty late and she messaged that she was hungry. Long story short I brought her some McDonalds, met her dad briefly then fucked her in the parking garage of the hospital while her dad was a floor above us dying.
    — ActuallyAnOctopus

  7. All through late elementary school and early middle school. Probably every day. I pressed my junk against the edge of the desk and moved side to side really gently until I orgasmed and kept a straight face. I called it “wiggling”. I had to stop once I gained the ability to shoot loads.
    — orangeindulgence857

  8. Thirty feet up a tree. My defense is that I was fifteen
    — orionmovere

  9. Navy boot camp in a room full of 80+ smelly dudes.
    — boognish83