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What thing that is normally considered "sexy" is actually a big turn-off for you?

  1. Nurses outfits. My mum is a nurse, so this really isn't my thing.
    — GrandAlexander

  2. Playing guitar. An emo boyfriend ruined guitars for me. "Want to see me play?" "Oh man, I can play *that* song!" "This party needs some real music! *(Turns off music playing device and pulls out guitar)*
    — sadpanda8420

  3. My upstairs neighbor whimpers like a sad puppy when her boyfriend's going to town on her. I'm not sure if he likes it, but it would definitely kill my lady boner.
    — iheartpenguins2

  4. Baby talk. Instant boner-killer.
    — sev45day

  5. Fake sex sounds
    — TEFAlpha9

  6. using food during sex, just can't stand it Dear god what happened to my inbox
    — Evo7_13

  7. Not necessarily a turn off, but if someone starts showing off how flexible they are, I'm too impressed to be turned on.
    — errolstafford