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Tall people of Reddit, what's the worst thing about being tall?

  1. Having to lie down on the bed diagonally
    — Greenbrock

  2. Apart from not fitting in cars, aeroplanes, boats, clothes. Hitting my head on everything all the time. Not being able to be in a comfortable position at my work desk. The truly worst thing is seeing how dirty the tops of everything is. I swear no one cleans anything above their eye level.
    — terryleopard

  3. One question. "How tall are you?". I've probably said the words 6 foot 6 more than I have my own name by now.
    — willrghest

  4. I'm a 6'9" dude, and there are a lot of good responses about clothes, cars, planes, low door frames, etc.. Really it's just that the world just isn't designed for someone who is taller than about 6'4". Showerheads wash your chest. Couches are too short to nap on. Most neckties are too short. Luggage handles aren't high enough. Bicycles don't allow for optimal leg extension. The list goes on... I have a distinct advantage when it comes to some things. When trying to just live my life in general, I'm at a distinct disadvantage trying to fit into a world where I am different enough that the market research shows that building products for me isn't going to be very profitable.
    — FoxtrotSierraTango

  5. Being asked if I play basketball, and when I answer no, being asked why I don’t play basket ball.
    — gptt916

  6. I grew super-fast when I was 13-14 and then just stopped at my adult height. Literally went from normal pubescent kid size to 6'3" in the space of 2 years. That's too fast, and I developed something called Osgood Schlatters disease in my knees. Basically my bones slightly outpaced my musculature, so now I have permanent bony protrusions below my kneecaps, and I can't sit on my knees at all because it hurts like hell. I'm basically bone-on-bone in my knees, and chances are I'll have to have knee-replacement surgery before I'm 50. It sucks, I have to do a ton of lower-body exercises to keep my legs flexible and take pressure off the joints.
    — fancyfrenchtoilet

  7. The instinctive fear you feel when you come across someone taller than yourself.
    — yetanotherweegie

  8. Spider webs, airplanes, and low-flying birds.
    — notpurelyplatonic

  9. Finding pants. I'm a 6'1" woman with hips. It's hard. Also, public transportation seats and plane seats.
    — Hatcheling

  10. Knee-high tables and sinks causing crippling lower back pain because the standard height of household fixtures has never been updated for hundreds of years even though humans are taller on average in comparison.
    — Nayrootoe

  11. I have really bad posture from having to look down at people all the time
    — TheRealDTrump

  12. Having everyone comment on how freaking tall you are.
    — penguinsareoverrated

  13. Flying commercially. Emergency exits are your friend, but I've had flights where my knees are rammed into the back of the seat in front of me (Air Canada Jazz, I'm looking at you here) for the whole flight.
    — jayheadspace

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