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Conservatives of Reddit, what's an intellectual author or news source you wish your moderate-to-liberal friends would read?

  1. Thomas Sowell, he's got books and interviews to see what he's all about. Podcast wise, I'd say Uncommon Knowledge is very good, which includes an interview with Thomas Sowell and others.
    — LyricsDontMatter

  2. Milton Friedman.
    — Glock19_9mm

  3. I’m a liberal but one of my favorite conservative columnists is George Will. He makes some very convincing arguments for old-school conservatism. And his input in many of Ken Burns’ documentaries shows that he knows his history too.
    — JoeChristmasUSA

  4. David French is a good one. Really, the National Review staff as a whole are good follows on Twitter. They disagree on some stuff but most of them put out presentable arguments from a conservative perspective.
    — redsfan23

  5. Charles Krauthammer
    — DrScientist812

  6. I’d recommend Henry Hazlitt. His writing on economics present a very rational and fact-based case for free market capitalism.
    — EZeggnog

  7. [Victor Davis Hanson]( He's a Greek classicist that teaches at Fresno State, and also writes for a number of media outlets but primarily for the [NRO](
    — _Vic_Romano_

  8. Larry Elder
    — tacdrummer

  9. Ben Shapiro is a pretty good one. He's smart as heck, and most of what you hear about him isn't true. Before I heard him speak or read anything he wrote, I had already heard he was a Nazi alt-right guy. Turns out he's a Jew who basically hates the alt-right. He is conservative though, and he makes his points with stone cold logical arguments supported by facts and statistics (I know...lies, damned lies, and statistics).
    — TheRealHooks

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