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What's a topic that you're mildly ashamed to be expert on?
- Recognising medieval castles of Western Europe. It started as a 12 year old and has never stopped. If I were to put a number on it; I must have looked at memorised well over 1000 ruins/partial ruins/preserved/converted into a palace.
alright I am going to bed, I enjoyed your quizzing in PMs as well as below whilst I was working.
— _-ng-_
- Drawing naked women. You know, improving your art needs tons of regular practice. And the subject in question happens to be the most fun thing to draw.
— nothing_in_my_mind
- The SCP Foundation. Probably spend a little too much time reading the entries, stories, and their TV Tropes page.
— Leorlev-Cleric
- RuneScape. My brother and I have each both put well over 20,000 hours into that game.
— Espret
- Different fetishes. I’ve probably clocked 20-30 hours of researching different fetishes out of a morbid curiosity. I’ve had multiple genuine discussions of why people are into what they’re into. Beastiality, Gore, Vore, foot fetishes, etc. etc.
It’s interesting just how many fetishes come from something that they saw when they were kids. One exception I know of is foot fetishes, which are actually a defect of how the brain is structured.
Edit: Wow, this blew up! You are more than welcome to message me if you’d like to learn more. I may be able to help!
— schmidty98
- Star Trek trivia. I'll be at a bar, someone starts talking about an episode of TNG and draws a blank on the name of an alien race, and before I can ponder the ramifications vis-à-vis the likelihood of my getting laid, I'll blurt out, "Pakleds." And people just smile at me.
— JedLeland
- Without ever being a huge fan of the show, it's just easy to watch when you're tired or stressed, I think I've seen every episode of Friends at least three or even four times. I do online Friends trivia quizzes sometimes and I never, ever miss an answer.
— Eoiny
- Internet culture.
I know about the environment and habits of countless subcultures - so much so I downplay it. I grew up on my computer. Lived through 4Chan's heyday, LJ, Gaia, Xanga, Neopets, you name it. Its ruined my sense of humour.
— yokayla
- I have a good memory. I will hear things in passing then later people will be talking about it and I know the answer, but it would be seen as too weird that I knew it. So I never say anything.
For instance, I hear people say their birthdays and people will be arguing, "Lillian's birthday is July 24." It'd just be weird for me to chime in with no it's June 11.
— PartTimeTulsa