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What are some of the weirdest subreddits ?

  1. r/grandpajoehate I love this sub, it's just posts about what a terrible person the grandfather off Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is. Fuck grandpa Joe! r/onionhate These guys are passionate about their hate of onions. If you say anything in support of onions, you will receive a swift and permanent ban r/chipchan This one is really odd. Chip Chan is a woman who lives her life in front of a webcam. She has made the claim that she is being controlled by an implant in her ankle, out there by a rogue police officer. She spends about 90% of her time sleeping. Sometimes she can be seen screaming. It's all very creepy.
    — Bluedystopia

  2. /r/picturesofiansleeping
    — throwaway_ghast

  3. r/tiresaretheenemy
    — talyn5

  4. /r/breadstapledtotrees
    — _lowkeyamazing_

  5. r/slavs_squatting it's pretty weird, and hilarious.
    — icedani

  6. As a moderator of the sub I’m a bit biased but r/breadstapledtotrees is dope Edit: less weird but I find r/Amish really funny
    — Anvilized

  7. /r/whatsinyourcart
    — Salalami1

  8. /r/dragonfuckingcars /r/dragonsfuckingcats /r/Carsfuckingcars /r/carsfuckingdragons /r/comeonandslam /r/comeonandislam /r/fifthworldproblems
    — RobotSkeleton

  9. r/PurpleCoco
    — Ryland_thomas

  10. /r/ack
    — fuck-dat-shit-up

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