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What's something so bizarre and unusual that's happened to you that you do not share it with many people?

  1. Using a throwaway so my wife won't see. I was working in Bolivia out of the US Embassy for a few months 13 years ago. A group of us went out to dinner and drinks on a Friday night. While walking home with my housemates we came to a park area that had a foot bridge across the 4 lane road and a small park on the other side. We heard a yell for help as we were crossing the bridge and saw a guy dragging a young girl by the hair. We were 30-40 feet away when he saw us and put a knife to her throat. He dragged her up onto the bridge and we were trying to calm him and let her go. It seemed like forever but was probably only a minute. He slit her throat and pushed her off the bridge down 20ish feet into traffic then took off. We were all just stunned and motionless. She was hit by 10+ cars before traffic stopped, but by the amount of blood from her neck in the two seconds before she fell, she wasn't going to live anyways. I never even saw a local news article on it. No clue if guy was caught. Nothing. Watched her plead for her life one second, brutally murdered the next. Still have dreams about it occasionally and they fuck me up for days. Edit: so I may not speak to my wife about this and other things, but I do have 2 people I do speak about it with. Both are long term friends, one served with me (but never deployed with me) the other is a high school friend. The topic was "not share with many people" not "no one". I'm not keeping this bottled and I do have a support system, just not my wife or family.
    — Granddads-Gun-Chaser

  2. I was struck by lightning when I was almost 16. I don't share it with many people because they inevitably think I'm lying or exaggerating a situation since it doesn't line up with what they think a lightning strike should be like.
    — bunnehlu

  3. Growing up with both working parents my big sis and I stayed alone in the house most afternoons after school, one night we where watching tv and the main door was this old solid wood piece that made a hell a lot of noise when you unlocked it and opened it. So it was one of those moments when the tv went silent for some reason and my sis and I both heard clearly how the lock went off and the door slowly opened, we go "mom or dad is here" and hear the door closing and since my parents got mad if they got home and caught us in their room watching tv we turn it off but hear nothing else, big sis goes "" And no response, we looked at the window and didn't see my parent's cars and start freaking out because obviously someone is in the house... Then the light of the stairs is turned on and my sis runs to close the door of my parent's room, picks up the phone and calls an uncle who lives down the street, we hear nothing again, my uncle and cousin get to the house in less than five minutes, we see them through the window, they get in and as my uncle searchs the house my cousing goes to find my sis and I... There's nobody else in the house, he had already called my parents and they get home ten minutes after. My sis and I heard it clearly and then the light, we know what we saw and what we heard, both of us, my parent's brushed it off as us being silly maybe we were watching some scary movie and got our imaginations working... My sis was around 15-ish and I was 11-12, to this day we both are freaked out by this. Ps. Reading your stories in the middle of the night gave me the creeps, I now live alone with my parents who are dead sleep and I hear footsteps (probably just the neighbors still scared me... My house is fairly new but things dissapear or change place... Don't read this in the dark guys Edit: typo
    — darkglitter802

  4. My parents and I were extremely poor. We didn't own a car so my parents had the bright idea to let a co-worker who owned a car move in my room. I was upset but I rarely stayed home, choosing to stay at friends house's whenever possible. I understood they needed this guy and his van. I remember coming home one day and going up to my room and noticing a lot of those inflatable balloons you get at a carnival or fair tossed all around. A couple of them had a sock tied around its torso. I knew the guy was weird but seeing these made me feel instantly uncomfortable. A few days later I had to stay overnight at my house and had to deal with the fact of sharing a room with this weirdo. I turned off the light and was lying in my bed as the other guy was on his air mattress on the other side of the room. He started asking me questions nonchalantly and somehow the conversation veered towards masturbation. He asked me if I had masturbated before and I said yes. Some awkward silence passed then he said "Are you doing it right now?" That phrase has haunted me for a very long time. As soon as he asked that, I ran out of the room to my parent's bedroom and slept with them. I believe I told them what happened and he continued to live there for some time. I pretty much moved out after that and still hate my parents to this day over it for choosing this guy over me. I found out later he would use those balloons he had as sex toys. He would put lube in the sock that was wrapped around the balloon and fuck it. This guy was fucking inflatable crayons and dolphins.
    — mindlessASSHOLE

  5. I once was chased down my street after school. A man in an old Cadillac came squeezing around the corner. I saw him following me from school, I was about 7yo at the time. I remember peddle as fast as I could and I could hear him telling me to stop and to get in his car. I was terrified, never seen him before except around town near the parks and schools. Maybe a kids grandparent. I flew around the corner peddling down my street and up the drive way. The door was locked and I panicked, I went back to the driveway and slid under my parents smaller car. The man pulled up right as I got under. He got out and quickly walked over near where I was and reached down trying to grab me. I rolled over and slid further down from the angle I was in to create distance. He gave up, screamed that he would get me. Got in his car and drove away. I have only ever told my wife.
    — THC21H30O2

  6. My brother once pointed a loaded handgun at me when we were little (~9-12 years old). I ran out of the house and to a friend's place. We never spoke about it again and are pretty much best friends at this point around age 30.
    — ButcherJustLikeVlad

  7. I used to live alone in a small 600 square foot aparment, and one night before bed I was sitting on the couch, texting and playing around on my phone. It was getting late so I got up, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face, then went into the bedroom, put on pajamas and got into bed. I realized I didn't have my phone, so I checked both the living room and the bathroom - couldn't find it. I then spent over an hour searching for it, and still couldn't find it. Finally I used my computer's gmail account to call my number and then tracked down the ringing, only to find my phone wrapped up in a plastic grocery bag, under a pile of shoes in my closet. To this day I have absolutely no idea how it got there. It creeps me out and I don't even like to think about it.
    — crazyladyscientist

  8. I was around 11 or 12 and spent the night at a friends house nearly every weekend. He always slept really late and I was always awake earlier than him and just laid awake until he woke up. We usually slept on the floor in his living room. One morning I hear someone come into the living room. I look up and it's his mom standing there completely naked. We awkwardly locked eyes for a second or two and I just awkwardly rolled over. Weird thing is she walked through the living room and then walked backed through a minute or two later. It wasn't until decades later when I talked this through with my therapist that I realized she might have been trying to seduce me. I'm gay and even as a little gayling I knew this was just gross.
    — JMCrown

  9. I was a young nurse in a hospital and worked with primarily cancer patients. I had some small issues with my health but doctors couldn't give me a definitive diagnosis within 7 years. I tried to not worry about it untill my doctor would tell me it's bad, and I succeeded in that. My last workday I found a sticker lying behind the counter (not abnormal- the printer is there) which drew my attention. It had my own name on it, so I checked what it was for: I was scheduled for a bone-marrow punction which I was not aware of. That was the day I found out I had cancer, my doctor confirmed it a few days later. A month later I was being treated by my own ex-coworkers. I wanted to return to work afterwards but I just couldn't.
    — Throw-Away-Stories

  10. I work in an office that has the ubiquitous 3 drawer filing cabinets with S&G rotating combination locks. The dial is numbered 0-99. A coworker who was new to the building was waiting on someone to open his locked cabinet and was complaining he can't get any work done without being able to access the files, and as his predecessor had passed away without sharing his combo with the security officer, he was hooped. Whilst fucking around, sitting down in his chair with by back turned to the lock, I pretended that i had mastered the art of safecracking by touch. I spun the dials more-or-less raindomly left right left, and then ONLY asked him to tell me when i returned the dial to "0" (when you push in the dial and turn to unlock) It... fucking... opened. No one will ever believe me, but he saw it. I don't know the odds, but wouldnt it be 1 in 100x100x100? One in a million shot right there. (Maybe... stats class was so long ago)
    — Grishka770

  11. I was spray painting a thing in my front yard. I ran out of red so I turned around started to go to my garage for the other red. As I was halfway through the grass I feel someone sucker punch me in my right side. I turn and there is no one anywhere. Not even rustling in the woods. It wasn't a muscle spasm because I had a small bruise show up later. A ghost kidney punched me.
    — Zoahking