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Redditors, what it something that makes you angry immediately?

  1. Mobile sites that are determined to make the reading experience as annoying as possible. Text jumps around while ads pop in, you need to accept cookies, video players that starts automatically.
    — scandinavio

  2. When I am just beginning a task and someone proceeds to order me to do exactly what I just started doing.
    — BearkissMk3

  3. Lack of spatial awareness. No I'm not mad you're reading the nutritional facts of this cereal I'm mad that you're standing in the middle of the aisle while doing it and my buggey can't fit around you
    — Tulipssinkships

  4. Reading the Facebook comments on local TV station's posts. It's not even anonymous, which makes it so much worse knowing the names of people who say such awful things.
    — RekNepZ

  5. People trying to sell me something.
    — A_Nose_Just_Knows

  6. When out of nowhere you're asked to stay calm. I am already calm. Can't you fucking see it?!
    — smileyhuehue

  7. People in groups who walk side by side in a narrow hallway or path. Just move to one fucking side you silly selfish pricks!
    — NPFTW

  8. Looking to find drama where there is none.
    — Sheckshy

  9. Littering, especially when there is a bit not 10 steps away or in a countryside type location. Don't be filthy, carry it until you can dispose of it properly like a normal human and stop destroying our damn country.
    — SendBoobiesForRating

  10. Someone interrupting m-
    — perun1nj

  11. Animal cruelty
    — Sh4r3L0v3

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