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What are you harmlessly addicted to?
- I love taking nature walks, identifying a plant, doing some quick research on it (non-invasive, edible, food for bees, etc), and if it passes the checkmarks, take a small bit of it and plant it on my land.
Kind of like a collector of useful plants, herbs, trees, bushes, etc, all of which can exist in their own space without taking over the whole place.
— Suuperdad
- Spending money on my reef tank
— Tuluzorgonia
- Documentaries of all sorts
— schmetterling86
- Reddit
— cornborn92
- Pens and notebooks. I have tons of them all over my house. I constantly accumulate them because they're all different and write differently, and each paper and notebook and subsequent pen/paper combo are all different. Endless possibilities.
— bluesky747
- pulling on my facial hair
— My_reddit_strawman
- Doing nice things for my girlfriend.
She makes me happy so I like to do everything I can to make her happy and make her life easier.
— elapid
- Totally addicted to base
— joe171781
- Q-tipping my ears, cracking my knuckles, chapstick and facebook.
— andreainternet
- The gym
— R9J4B
- Chips. Man! I love it.
— golan-trevize
- Making my foot fall asleep. I love the pins and needles
— Soulfly37
- Extremely large breasts
— losangeleskingsfan
- A sudoko game on my phone. As a rule I don't download mindless games which most apps are but Sudoko seemed harmless. Holy shit the obsession with beating other peoples high scores became life sucking. I am #154 of all time in the Hard category. But then again no one fucking cares about that on a resume.
— britzka