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What is the WORST possible thing to say to someone who is crying?

  1. Is it because of your haircut?
    — olddirtydom

  2. Trying to one up your pain. "I know you are sad because your grandma died, but my mom died last year and that's so much worse so don't feel bad"
    — wendymechel

  3. Man, you're ugly when you cry.
    — cowpattymelt

  4. Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about.
    — OozeNAahz

  5. Stop crying
    — kinyutaka

  6. Can I use your tears as lubricant?
    — Coug-Ra

  7. Any variation of “it could be worse”
    — SongsForTheDeaf69

  8. "I mean. You kind of deserve it."
    — WitherWithout

  9. I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.
    — solidstatemasterrace

  10. "Stop the crying, you're such an actor/actress." My mom used to say this to me as a kid. Part of the reason why I don't cry now.
    — purplechai

  11. Don't cry, you look fat when you cry.
    — Love2build108

  12. Shut the fuck up
    — Okwute

    — Thecardinal74

  14. There’s no crying in baseball!
    — BoDarville71

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