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If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
- Hacking. I don't know shit about hacking but because I occasionally fix my dad's computer he thinks I'm some kind of technical genius.
— FuzzyElf47
- Nice try, cops
— continuousBaBa
- Internet crimes
— AudibleNod
- Probably that it was a case of mistaken identity. Yes, I know - I'm not the most exciting dude around!
— Pleasant_Jim
- possession of marijuana
— thelastsaturian
- Drunk driving or drunk and disorderly
— fat_electrician
- Definitely some kind of cybercrime. They think I'm Mr. Robot status, when I'm maybe one rung above Geek Squad.
— Go_Kauffy
- I can hear them now “Jesus Christ, knowing him it could be anything!”
— jncarter442
- That I finally broke down and went nuts
— shutter12
- Mistaken for a bank robber. This actually happened to me. Technically, I wasn't "arrested" but I was detained and the detective read me my rights. Ten years later I still get kidded about this.
— imayregretthis
- Probably possession of the ganj. That or putting a donkey in a bathtub, because that's illegal here.
— SasquatchAstronaut
- I'm terribly forgetful, it was probably a bench warrant.
— waiting_for_rain
- Paid a prostitute
— fartfacepooper
- Hit someone/something with my car.
— CD8712