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Non-religious redditors, what moral code do you use to guide your decisions?

  1. Empathy
    — w6e6e6n

  2. Try not to be dick.
    — Spursious_Caeser

  3. Treat others as you would like to be treated
    — darkuen

  4. Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, "Would an idiot do that?" And if they would, I do not do that thing.
    — smallerthings

  5. If you need religion to not be a jerk then something is wrong.
    — Jolsn

  6. Do whatever I want so long as it doesn't cause anybody harm. Only fight to defend yourself or another in immediate danger, even if to the death. Respond sincerely to those hoping to incense you. Insist on feeling compassion for the lost, and not disgust.
    — The_Music

  7. I just roll a D20 before I do anything irl
    — SmallDick_NotAshamed

  8. The "I don't want to be a cunt" code.

  9. I know right from wrong, and I have a conscience.
    — TeaAndCrackers

  10. Seriously, if you only act nice because you fear god, it means you are a horrible person.
    — I-am-Legion-

  11. Empathy for other people. Imagine it being done to you. Would you like it? There's your answer. It's a totally normal human emotion that has nothing to do with religion.
    — Tollertone

  12. Does it hurt someone else in any way? Don’t do that then.
    — RaspberryRibbon

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