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What is something that the majority of people do incorrectly?

  1. Everyone's doing everything wrong according to those "you're doing it wrong" pics and videos that got popular a few years ago. Eating an apple? Wrong! Getting a Tic Tac? Wrong! Breathing? Wrong!
    — toshi04

  2. Playing Monopoly. When played according to the rules the game is not exceptionally long and can be pretty exciting.
    — SimpleManSC

  3. Plunge a toilet. 1. A lot of people dont even have the right tool for the job, and use a force cup instead. No, thats for a flatter surface like a kitchen basin. 2. Its not just up-down slosh badoosh. Use short, quick baby strokes after pushing the air out, and alternate every 5 pushes to the slower "deep" ones. -your local neighborhood Plumber.
    — vtschoir

  4. Sing under the true pitch because they don't have adequate breath support. So many people actually have good singing voices, but give up trying because they incorrectly approach the breath-support process and become embarrassed if someone says that they're singing "flat."
    — Back2Bach

  5. Spelling the word "lose".
    — Finn3gann

  6. Drive... Lived in three different states in Australia and everyone is just next level stupid...
    — Walleyyyyy

  7. Buying the right toilet plunger. Most people are using sink plungers for their toilet
    — grispo

  8. From what I see at work - train their dog. Specifically adding in a verbal cue waaaaaayyy too early, and then repeating it forty thousand times. Resulting in a daily dose of: "Fluffy sit. Sit. Sit Fluffy. Siiiiiit. Siiiiiiiiiit. Si^iii^^iiiiiii^^^iiiiiiiiiiit. FLUFFY, SIT. SIT FLUFFY."
    — lostdrunkpuppy

  9. Aside from Driving with courtesy and common sense, lifting weights with proper form, guys and gals who think they have proper form instead prefer to foolishly add more weight to exercise with. i see it everyday.
    — saulgould917

  10. Brushing your teeth. You should spit excess toothpaste but never rinse immediately afterwards.
    — generaltso78

  11. Merge correctly when a traffic lane ends, ie zipper merge.
    — Hazelstone37

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