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What has not lost its magic on you?
- Car washes. Every time I go through one, I always love watching an entire room of machines scrub my car clean.
— ordelore8x
- Space. Just looking up and seeing stars and planets. Knowing that they are from light-minutes to thousands of light-years away. Giant cosmic balls of nuclear fire, all with high chance of planets and moons like our solar system. Maybe they could support life, maybe they already do, maybe they did and that civilization has been dead for eons. We don't know and we may never know, but I still keep looking up at night.
— Override9636
- Discovering new music
— Uptownfade332
- Friendship. It's hard to make friends as an adult especially when some people graviate towards sex, relationship, or don't care about you.
It's like I remember in my highschool days people would throw get togethers & hangout to watch movies, go places, or play videogames. Very sarce and hard to find now, but I won't give it up.
Edit: Wow thanks for the overwhelming response guys! It goes to show that there are people who want friends. My best of luck to you all! Y'all should Dm eachother of course, don't be afraid to dm me! :D if you want to try and make friends in your local area try meetup (.) com. hope it helps!
— Oheseren
- Scampering up stairs on all fours.
— Statscollector
- human connection, sometimes I just look at my friends or my boyfriend and marvel at the fact that I'm with people, they like me and I like them
it's a never-ending process, obtaining and keeping some of these relationships, and I get caught off guard sometimes by the fact that I have them
— goingtodieafterall
- National Parks - Every one that I visit always takes my breath away. Something about wide open spaces and untouched beauty. Sharing these experiences with my children now adds a different aspect to it. Seeing it through a child's eyes again. Hoping to cultivate appreciation in them so they can keep fighting after I am gone to conserve these national treasures.
— bitterbuffal0
- Computers. I know how damn near every component in a modern computer works inside and out, but it's still magical and mindblowing how it all comes together.
— Rpgwaiter
- Lion King. I become a kid every time I watch it.
— jetroy9121
- Watching my wife undress. Boobs are just inherently magical.
— neutronknows
- The Lord of the Rings, even after seeing every special features video they've ever released.
Christmas on the other hand is completely dead to me.
— PondSpelunker
- The Fellowship of the Ring. I enjoy myself every single time I watch that movie.
— MisunderstoodPenguin
- The list of things that have is honestly probably shorter.
Things that definitely haven't - music, art, friendship, animation, being greeted warmly even if it's performative, nature, kindness, hand holding, how much people light up when they're excited, media, Disney, haunted houses, the sea, putting on snuggly clothes when I've had a bad or chilly day, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, how soft bread is, how many things you can do with your hair, *how fucking stunning people can look*, how funny people can be, the way different chemicals move and dissolve in water, etc.
— starryduchess
- Slowly waking up in the morning with soft blankets, warm sunlight, and no obligations.
— SpatheFlower