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If you were alone in a supermarket overnight, and you could do anything without consequence, what would you do?

  1. Without consequence? Eat so much bad food.
    — BillieRubenCamGirl

  2. I would make a bed out of bread, and I would sleep on it. I'll call it a bred, and it will be the best night's sleep I ever had.
    — NotVerySmarts

  3. I'd pour cooking oil all down one isle. Then I would take running dives with my butter greased cardboard box sled and see how far I could get. Then I would throw bottles of milk in the air and watch them explode on the floor. I would also drink a fuck ton of beer and eat many many tasty snacks.
    — RyansGoslings

  4. I would play several rounds of supermarket sweep where I would set a timer for 5 minutes and get as much stuff as I could in that time. Then I would ring it up to get the total then do it again to try and beat it. And drink lots of beer.
    — LemonHerb

  5. Tbh I'd honestly just shamelessly open all the Pokemon cards in the store.
    — IncreasedMetronomy

  6. Stick my dick in a grapefruit
    — juddthespudd

  7. Honestly, I'd probably do something relatively mundane like try all of the food I've been curious about, but didn't want to waste money. There's a lot of food I've walked by in a supermarket where I've gone "hmm. that sounds like it could be great, but I don't know if I'll like it," especially since I'm kind of a picky eater, and I don't want to waste the money or the food if I wind up hating it. This solves, at least, the wasting money issue of me wanting to be adventurous with my food choices.
    — smmmc

  8. Attempt to make a cool statue out of cans, fail terribly and make a huge mess with cans rolling around everywhere. Then I'd probably hit up the booze section to drink my sorrows away and pass out somewhere.
    — FF_average

  9. Kill myself. I've always wondered what it's like on the other side, and I could walk out when the night is done.
    — sirsaltalot

  10. The same thing that I do at home. Eat way too much food with lots of sugar and/or fat and very little else in the way of nutritional value.
    — About_Unbecoming

  11. I know someone who stayed in a 24 hour supermarket/department store for a week straight without leaving.
    — Mexican_Bear_Cub

  12. I would try a couple bits of every type of ice cream I haven't tried yet. Then debate which ones were worth it.
    — paintsdragonz

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