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What are some lies that we all just decided to accept?

  1. that was my last piece of gum
    — mrpimpgoodgame4

  2. "oh I didn't get your text"
    — DisgustoStoneSnout

  3. Google is our friend
    — decard2187

  4. I before E except after C.
    — honestgoing

  5. That it's illegal to drive with the inside light in your car on.
    — KingOfTheSchwill

  6. The tongue map
    — DitDashDashDashDash

  7. The really bad things only happen to others.
    — Weepkay

  8. There's a soulmate waiting to be found.
    — badassmthrfkr

  9. That we will be remembered
    — Noname_Maddox

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