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What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?
- Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.
— slowhand88
- Discworld.
Be a wizard, witch, tend sheep, join the Watch or one of the illustrious guilds. Although I'd probably buy a bunch of bananas and hang out in the library.
— jmarsh642
- Goddamn everyone is picking these violent settings where they'd probably die.
I wanna live in Animal Crossing. No one has to work, just hang out with your buds, go to festivals, and pay for favors with furniture. What's not to love?
— Notmiefault
- Star Trek. Money is no longer an issue, so I don't really have to go to a job if I don't want to. Also, holodecks, yo. Barkley has nothing on my imagination.
— madd74
- **Mass Effect**
Without the reaper invasion to worry about obviously.
— exyia
- Pokemon. I did when I was 7 and I still do at 25.
— pajamakitten
- The Sims. No major conflicts, the formula for being successful in life is pretty straightforward, and you can easily live forever with a few DLC items.
— GeekAesthete
- The Legend of Zelda - Hyrule looks so inviting, usually.
The Last Airbender - this should be obvious
Harry Potter - again, obvious.
— KyleRichXV
- Any rpg where beating up small rodents or pests gives me money.
Every time i punch a rat 50 gold comes out? yes please.
— edtehgar
- Harry Potter.
What contentment to sit in the Gryffindor common room with fire and friends.
— peer_less