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Parents of Reddit, what’s truly something you don’t like about your kid?

  1. They're morning people.
    — Pseudonymico

  2. My daughter is a few months older than 2 and she does this thing where if you correct her she hits herself... I have no idea where she's picked it up but I can't stand it because it breaks my heart. Neither her father or I have ever been violent to her.
    — Blktoofpirate

  3. My second oldest (about to turn 12) thinks he is smarter than adults. He is incredibly book smart but has zero common sense and is ridiculously lazy. The result is that he constantly lies about little insignificant things. The lies are so obvious that it is almost insulting that he thinks we will believe him.
    — Generic_Superhero

  4. They eat all the food. Their friends come over. Everybody eats all the food. I come home, no food for me.
    — arandomaccount9

  5. 15 years old. Serial liar. It's mind boggling.
    — YetiGhost

  6. 7 year old son, intelligent and kind 90% of the time. Completely at random, he just comes straight out and calmly states that he hates me, maybe 3 to 4 times a week. “Daddy, I hate you.”
    — Kapilaw

  7. Perfect little angel at school, gets leader of the month multiple times a year other rewards for sharing and being kind to classmates. Gets home and acts like a lazy little terror. Complete opposite of how he acts at school.

  8. He won't get his fucking shoes on.
    — EffityJeffity

  9. Attitudes and screaming. My 7yo daughter has the worst attitude and my 6yo and 2yo sons are constantly screaming.
    — beardedgamer1991

  10. My kids (6 and 3), non stop say "look it! Look it!" And every time I look they aren't doing anything remotely impressive, picture Stewart from MadTv. They might be standing on one leg or tossing their toy in the air. At first I humour them and give them the reaction they are looking for but after the 80th "look it!" I'm ready to gouge my own eyes out.
    — Jentilly