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What do you love about yourself?

  1. I am insanely mediocre in pretty much everything but that never stopped me from achieving what I want.
    — batwithlongears001

  2. Just my ability to keep a cool head about stressful things. I'm always able to step back, look at myself in 3rd person, and figure out the next steps to get out of a problem
    — Sharkbyte12

  3. My ability to figure stuff out. If I need to fix something, I will research it and work on it and see how to do it rather than letting it stay broken or paying someone else to fix it. It is fun for me.
    — twilightsentinel

  4. My desire to learn more about things. Curiosity.
    — astroboysandeep

  5. I’m incredibly humble.
    — mentalmarzipan

  6. I'm very selfless. I know this sounds weird since I'm saying it about myself, but I always look out for others and do what I can to help anyone before myself. My wife says it's my best quality. Edit: /u/PMmeYOURrareCONTENT is the best
    — empw

  7. I love the level of confidence that I now have and took 30+ years for me to develop. As a child who was bullied mercilessly all the way through high school (including daily physical and mental violence), having my first girlfriend be physically and emotionally abusive and ended with her cheating on me, and being completely inept at making friends; I have every reason to be a complete mess of a human being... but I'm not. I took steps in my mid to late 20s to improve myself as a person and every little thing I did added to my level of confidence to the point where I would now consider myself a successful person (married, own a house, and have a decent paying job) and I'm excited about my future prospects. I'm at the point now where people who know me are truly shocked about some of the things I went through growing up and on occasion don't even believe me when I tell some of the darker stories.
    — TheLastSpoonBender

  8. It's kinda weird but I can learn instruments really really fast. It's pretty great.
    — ngilmore101

  9. My grey hair. If you'd have asked me 20/25 years ago if I'd be happy to go grey I would have said "No" without even thinking about it. Now, I love it.
    — supergodmasterforce

  10. I honestly don’t think I can answer this, unless my vivid imagination counts?
    — decadentbeaver

  11. I can type quickly.
    — ActualPirater

  12. My ability to go with the flow. Basically my 'don't care' attitude. Really helps me enjoy life more and without the stress most people feel.
    — MrBananaStorm