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What are you a closeted fan of?
- Mythological and Biblical monsters and demons, I find their history and visual interpretations so interesting and neat but if I mention that in public I'll seem like the absolute biggest weirdo in the history of life but damn sometimes I just wanna talk about Belphegor
— TheB-Span
- I’m a 30-year-old female grad school graduate that loves WWE.
I got real tired of being asked, “But you know it’s not real, right?” Of course it’s not real, you stupid idiot!
— juleskelly
- Shows where experts goes to other people house, and tell them how to live their life, raise their children, train their dog, decorate their house, and things like that.
— shrekine
- I'm a 28 year old, heavily bearded metalhead.
I've seen Mean Girls over 100 times.
In fact, I'm watching it now.
— MushroomMan89
- Listening to “girly” music when I work out. Everyone assumes I’m listening to metal or rap. A lot of my lifting playlists consist of *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Sam Smith, Celine Dion, Adele, etc. I keep a mean mug on but I also keep my headphones low enough that no one knows that I secretly Want It That Way
— travmainy
- Reddit
Any friends I’ve told think I’m a dork for browsing here so much
— CoatedPaper
- Fucking Tchaikovsky. The guy is straight up fire.
— TobiasRules
- The smell of gasoline, petrol, diesel, propane or just about any fuel out there.
I look forward to gas station visits.
— NanaWhite1
- Anime... I just feel so dirty and repulsive enjoying it.
— Eversicle
- Clothes pins. I mean, I keep them in the closet, because I don't have a clothesline. But I'm closeted about using them on nipples. Not in the closet, though. I mean I don't use them in the closet, but I guess I could, if someone wanted to.
- Art Deco styles in furniture, architecture and art.
— FalstaffsMind
- HGTV...
— VEyeDoubleNWhy
- Fanfiction. I probably read 4 books in a week if I put all the fanfiction I read together.. Some are longer than Harry Potter books.
— Lituxa