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How lazy are you?

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Quite.
    — Jezzmoz

  2. currently using reddit to procrastinate something I _want to do_
    — sikkerhet

  3. The thing I get most excited about is cancelled plans
    — BoredMormon

  4. I almost didn't comment on this post.
    — JoeBidenAccount

  5. I recently learned I'm not lazy, just demotivated.
    — AskMeIfImDank

  6. Sometimes I'm too lazy to use both hands to type my password that starts with a capital letter, so I turn the caps lock on just for that one letter.
    — Iris_Flores

  7. I won't even finish this comment, that's how lazy I
    — Johnson1994

  8. While I was studying I had to code something for university (you see, computer science guy here) Well, I ended up procrastinating playing some game, I think it was wow, and was programming macros/extensions to make the game easier then I realized I was procrastinating programming by doing programming to make procrastinating easier... Vicious circle.
    — Joseph_Jotnes

  9. I cant even bither to spell check or proofread
    — sugaronmypopcorn

  10. I take naps after I've woken up from sleeping.
    — Charleston09

  11. enough to learn how to use all the keyboard shortcuts.
    — shirleyxx

  12. I went to kinkos once instead of setting up my printer.
    — TopScruffy

  13. EXTREMELY. I have to convince myself everyday that I really do need money to pay those pesky bills.