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What movie scene gets you pumped up no matter how many times you watch it?

  1. Slave! how dare you turn your back to me. You will remove your mask and tell me your name! My name is maximus decimus meridius...
    — SierraZulu27

  2. Three scenes from the original *Jurassic Park*: - T-Rex at night in the rain - Raptors in the kitchen - The climax with the banner floating down Each of these turn me into a giddy 12-year-old again.
    — havron

  3. The opening of the Matrix. "Seargent, your men are already dead", followed by trinity kicking ass. Also obviously the big hallway gunfight in the Matrix.
    — Statscollector

  4. "Get away from her, you Bitch!"
    — Freadan

  5. The charge of Rohirrim in the Pelennor Fields
    — gabruiz33

  6. John Wick, when he's smashing up the concrete floor and getting ready for his comeback.
    — Cadillack

  7. "You are sheltering enemies of the state, are you not?"
    — mini6ulrich66

  8. "We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death" The way the music builds and drums kick in as the three hunters commit to their rescue mission always gets me hyped. There has been struggle and sorrow, but they will not give up hope. The last 10 minutes of The Fellowship is possibly the best 10 minutes of the trilogy. I love it!
    — ainsky

  9. "Before we get started...[does anyone wanna get out?"](
    — Youareposthuman