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What do you think would happen if the world launched all their trash into the sun once a year?
- The world would go bankrupt paying the expense.
— blazeofsunshine
- That is borderline impossible with current technology. Also if we did then it would be vaporized.
— SwiggitySwootyBootiy
- The earth would get lighter. Also, rockets would explode on occasion and make a bigger mess.
— murderofcrows90
- You think you pay a lot in taxes now...
— BowmanTheShowman
- The aliens would finally reveal themselves and broadcast a universal call in every language and on every medium, saying “Cut that shit out you fucking apes, or we will curb stomp you.”
— SleepNowMyThrowaway
- no one can hear you upcycle in space... so, into the sun it goes.
— unarmedkingofhearts
- I wonder if we could somehow cram it so far underground that it would just melt into the magma. Natural recycling!
— murderofcrows90
- Surprisingly it’s much more difficult to launch something into the sun than it is to launch something out of our solar system
— MyDogLikesTottenham
- Best bonfire ever
— savingdeansfreckles
- The sun would get dirty
— GeraldBWilsonJr