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What is the strangest way your SO has seduced you?

  1. She sneezed and her boobs jiggled, dont think that she did it was on purpose but hey, it worked Edit: spelling
    — swolesoldier

  2. Sometimes when I cry it gives him a boner.
    — CrownedVictory

  3. She says “oh hey I shaved my legs”.
    — wheezy1cor4

  4. “Sorry you had a bad day. Want to order a pizza for dinner and watch a Disney movie? I’ll wash your hair later.” I married him. Edit: Now with more words.
    — andherewestand

  5. On the second date, I invited him (my boyfriend) to my house so we could hang out and so I could show him this insane show called Toast of London. About halfway through the episode, I thought he was laughing and knocked his head into my shoulder. (We were sitting pretty close on my bed.) The second time it happened I realized it was something else. “Did you just kiss my shoulder?” “....Um, yeah?” Turns out he was giving me pecks on my shoulder throughout the show and I didn’t notice. I proceeded to take him to pound town. It wasn’t until after that I found out he was inexperienced with that kind of stuff and it totally made sense. Though I will say that he’s definitely NOT inexperienced now.
    — trashwherestrash

  6. My wife sometimes will just walk up to me and say, “Heyyyyyyyyy.”
    — saltnotsugar

  7. She picked the cat up and locked it outside the bedroom, I knew that meant we were going to bang so I got a boner. It was Just awkward to get hard at the sight of her removing our little kitty.
    — Kreamy0

  8. She cleaned my keyboard and desk etc... And she also kept the monitors in the same position when she was done.
    — Danaldinho007

  9. One time we were all drunk, and my friend decided he wanted to sleep under my bed. So naturally, when my SO and I went to bed, he suggested we start dropping items of clothing on the floor next to the bed to make it seem like we were gonna bang - just to freak out our friend. There was no intention of actually banging at the beginning, but our gag was so convincing, the troll under the bed wasn't the only one who believed it ~
    — rosiethearrowmaker

  10. I thought she wanted to hold hands... till i realized she was guiding me to the bed... THEN i thought she wanted to nap... and then she got naked and jumped me. I am not a bright man.
    — CaptainButtlet