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If Storm Troopers Were Replaced With U.S. Police, What Would Star Wars Have Been Like?
- *Die Hard on a Death Star*
An off-duty storm trooper from a galaxy far, far away would save the day when Luke and company terrorize the Empire's Christmas party.
— laterdude
- "um. Sir. You can't force choke him, he's a union member"
— ProfessionalRickRoll
- Lando and Finn wouldn't have made it...
— apaksl
- Obi-Wan and Luke would have been shot at the traffic stop.
Roll credits.
— grrodon
- They wouldn't have fitted two abreast in the narrow hallways.
— Pontus_Pilates
- Remember how FedEx had a starring role in Tom Hank's "Castaway"?
Dunkin' Donuts would be the same in "Star Wars".
— Banned-in-Boston
- Someone would have shot Darth Vader by accident.
— homerj123
- The Storm Troopers would be busy dealing with old man Kenobi always calling them because he thinks the skunk outside is plotting to kill him and take his social security check. Obi Wan and Luke would have had to sit in the security line at the Mos Eisley Spaceport while the local alien Necko Beardo was yelling at the Storm Troopers assigned to assist Spaceport Security about how his 5th Amendment rights were being violated because he had to take his space laptop out of his bag to be scanned. As the Millenium Falcon flew away from Tattoine we could see two more troopers talking to a beggar on the streets to get him to move along while the guy rants about The Battle of Coruscant being an inside job.
When the Falcon gets to Alderaan the ship is tractored in to the Death Star. A lone Trooper walks up to the Falcon and knocks on the window. "Do you know why I tractored you in?" Chewie stares straight ahead while Han talks to him like he's a neighbor thinking to himself "God Damn Humans. How do they just talk casually to a Trooper. A Nerfherder like me would have got shot by now." Old man Kenobi sneaks in to the tractor beam room. He was spotted long ago but Obi's known around here for doing this twice a week. After he leaves they make the rookie turn it back on. They're gonna let the Falcon go anyways. Han's the Hyperspace Lane Department Supervisor's son so the Lead Trooper's just gonna let him go with a warning. The Falcon leaves, gets to Yavin 4 and the rebels all talk about how terrible the Troopers are.
— CitationX_N7V11C
- Isn't that already the case? I just assumed that's why there are only like 3 black people in the universe.
— RobotSkeleton
- They’d wait outside the Death Star until all the kids were killed, then they’d retire with full benefits.
— TherelsNoPepeSiIvia
- A lot of stormtroopers would be overweight
— ProfessionalSociety