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How did you get introduced to reddit?
- You're going to kill me, guys... It was through Facebook. I must have been following BUZZ FEED and noticed most of the content came from Reddit. I decided to be more "organic" and go to the source of all this tomfoolery. The rest is history.
— eves13
- Needed some help jailbreaking my phone. Came for the help, stayed for the nudes.
— ohsureyoudo
- New version of Digg pissed me off. Guy at work suggested Reddit. Mainly lurked ever since.
— ikingus
- the kids on 4chan kept shittalking about it, and i figure hey it can't be worse.
boy was i young and dumb.
— endless_skies
- Imgur. Which Imgur was introduced through a friend.
— Levion687
- I needed an answer to a question and Reddit had answer
— N3xus11
- I made a hitchhiking video that my brother shared on a travel sub. it really 'blew up' and he showed me all the comments. I wanted to answer the questions so created my own account and it's all gone downhill from there
— Tipsylou
- [CGP Grey](
— yottalogical
- IFunny was too normie. I found r/dankmemes
— ap4590
- My computer science teacher made jokes about using Reddit. Out of curiousity I checked out the site and the rest is history.
— HydraRuler
- CGP Grey’s video on reddit.
— IslandBoy94
- God took me by the hand...
— CoupSan
- My sister in-law's fiance went on it a lot and would talk about it often years ago, however it wasn't until I got showed r/writingprompts that I really got interested.
Took a little while to get used to, was more accustomed to websites like facebook where its full of graphics but I like it.
— JammyThing
- Landed on f7u12 via StumbleUpon 6 or 7 years ago.
— derphighbury
- Wanted to get news on rainbow six siege, found reddit, got too distracted by other subreddits and forgot all about seige