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You wake up and find a foot (30cm) of snow outside. How does this affect your day?

  1. Only a foot, guess I have to clean off the car.
    — undeniablybuddha

  2. I live on a tropical island very close to the equator, so the world would probably be ending.
    — Matadot

  3. Oh look, it's Tuesday.
    — keethraxmn

  4. My walk to the liquor store now includes wearing boots.
    — Igriefedyourmom

  5. Coming from Fort Myers, Florida. Everyone would have crashed their car. Schools shut down. Rick Scott calls for State if emergency. Facebook posts about how the world is ending. Facebook posts about how to NOT PANIC! Facebook posts about “How is there global warming if THIS is happening?” A million and one “I Live in Florida it shouldn’t be snowing/ WTF Snapchat stories.” I’ll probably still be called into work.
    — Ripe_Tomato

  6. "What the fuck? Where did all the snow go?"
    — TosiHulluMies

  7. I'm in Texas, so needless to say the entire state would shut down and there would be hundreds of car related deaths, but it's Texas so it would probably warm up to 90 degrees the next day. Edit: spelling
    — ManiacLight

  8. Well, I didn't buy milk, eggs, and bread, so I guess I'll die.
    — satanicpuppy

  9. I live in Colorado and it's been a stupid dry winter. I'd be geeked.
    — goon_squad_god

  10. Freak out and stay inside as I'm in Florida and we have no idea what to do during a snow day
    — J1205J

  11. i go outside. open the garage. start up the subie. drive to the old walmart parking lot and have some fun.
    — sumrandomoldg