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Your body is found in a pile of the last item you bought. What does the news report say?

  1. "Last morning a man was found dead under a pile of sandwiches after a bizarre accident. According to witnesses, no one knows if the man was struggling to breathe or trying to eat his way out of the pile"
    — MMMLG

  2. 'A local woman has been found dead in a large vat of delicious yet reasonably-priced rosé wine. We're saddened to report that her death was not quick; in fact, witnesses report that she got out three times to piss.'
    — Portarossa

  3. "Finger-lickin' DEAD Glutton drowns in his sin" It was chicken wings.
    — PhreedomPhighter

  4. “Man crushed to death under pile of KFC original recipe - Witnesses day he died smiling”
    — nitnitwickywicky

  5. Damn how would I be found in a pile of csgo skins
    — FreduardoTheFag

  6. "A local 26 year old's body was found this morning lying on a pile of tickets to the movie 'Annihilation'. He must have really loved that movie, James."
    — McCyanide

  7. "Giant fucking weeb found dead under pile of Anime Bluray Box sets. His wallet was also found dead at the scene"
    — Thatuserguy

  8. Young woman found buried under mounds of white chocolate. She's the creme of this unusually large Cadbury Creme Egg.
    — gurlicbread

  9. Man dies to death after being stepped on by thousands of ladders.

  10. Dog food. For fucks sake.

  11. "Weird guy found dead in pile of socks, more on this dangerous new fetish at 10, keep your kids safe"
    — CraisinsAreGood

  12. "Once again, further proof that nicotine can, and does, kill." Last thing I bought was cigarettes.
    — cynical-mage

  13. "Despite the fact that the victim died in a pile of empty cups previously filled with Starbucks frappuccinos, the victim has been identified as not a white girl."
    — TornadoApe

  14. Man found dead in a pile of lottery tickets. Still didn't win.
    — ohhhhhhhhhhhhman