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What are some of the easiest ways to make a legitimate difference in the world, for the better?
- Simplest?
Give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Assume, until proven otherwise, that most people are not coming from a malicious place.
Someone bumps into you, someone steps on your foot, the waiter screws up your order, etc - just let that shit go.
Most people are not trying to screw you over, they are just trying to get through the day
- Leave a place cleaner than you found it.
(specifically places of nature, woodland, hiking trails, ect)
— McNabFish
- Develop good habits. Recycling doesn't do itself. Being a good person takes effort.
— Awwwdoggie
- Adopt a positive behaviour and act like its weird when other people dont follow along. Like picking up trash or properly disposing of your cigarette butts.
Donate blood, if youre able. Its insane how much blood people need in an emergancy or during major surgery.
You can honestly have the largest impact at the local level 311 when you see dumb things the city should fix instead of ignoring it. Carry water and meal bars for homeless. Find where volunteers are needed and do that. Vote in municipal elections. Volunteer in them. Run in them.
Find a cause you understand and identify with and focus your time and attention.
**EDIT: This blew up about blood donations so:**
CANADA, EH: [Can You Donate?](
AMERICA, FUCK YEAH: [The Red Cross](
THE UK, MATE: [NHSBT is what you want](
**CHECK YOUR LOCAL RULES AND REGULATIONS** but generally speaking if you haven't had major surgery, or needle drugs, or haven't had "high risk sex" (sorry, gay men, this is super unfair and I do not agree with it) - you might be eligible to SAVE A LIFE AT NO RISK TO YOUR OWN.
*Do you hear that potheads?!* They generally do not TELL you this outright but I have never heard of blood services giving a shit if you blaze it 420. Needle drugs? Don't fucking do those that's insane. Don't drink alcohol after donating blood, take the day off so your liver can continue to party.
Regular problem free blood donation doesn't even tend to result in a bruise or soreness. It's not like getting your flu shot - the needle goes in the vein, not the muscle. Takes about an hour of your time, maybe 12min top of being jabbed. I'm a fast bleeder - I can run out a pint in less than 5 min. Drink plenty of water before hand and speed it up.
— Octothrope85
- We grow a large vegetable garden and donate most of the fresh produce to the local food pantry which feeds the poor in our community.
It lifts their spirits to enjoy delicious native fruits and vegetables during the summer.
— Back2Bach
- Quite often overlooked... just don't be a dick in general, treating people with respect doesn't matter their occupation/stage of life, you have no idea how often people from cashiers to janitors are treated as servants it's disgusting
— darkglitter802
- Be nice to people. You might save their day.
— dmc1oh1
- Self improvement should improve other's lives, too. Always try and improve your attitude and mindset to bring joy to other people.
— afhisfa
- My grandmother always told me "whenever you pass an old man or woman in the street, you must smile at them, you don't know if they've had anyone else but you smile at them that day"
— kookyasaboxofrogs
- Become an organ donor. It takes two minutes and you could save up to 9 lives.
— Mustardfoxes
- Plant flowers for bees.
— GrampappyJoe