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What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
- 9/11.
I was in elementary school, it happened pretty early in the day... My teacher turned the TV on, a super small one in the corner of the room on the wall... And then later my mom picked us up from school. I don't really remember understanding what had happened, because I was way more focused on the fact that I got to go home early.
— drekiaa
- The Challenger explosion
— djc6535
- OJ Simpson
I remember the Bronco chase.
— brokendowndryer
- Death of Princess Diana. I was in 3rd grade.
— Last5years
- The 72 Munich Olympics and the Israeli athletes being executed on TV. I remember hearing the terrorists being called guerillas, while we were also fighting the Viet Cong, naturally I thought they must be led by a supreme leader.........King Cong.
— Guy_In_Florida
- Elvis dying. I was 7 and came running into the house to see my mom crying. I asked her whats wrong and she told me Elvis died. I said "Oh." and ran back outside to play.
— imcrowning
- I was born in 1951. I can't at the moment remember which came first but I remember when president Eisenhower had a heart attack and vice-president Richard Nixon became acting president while Ike recovered and I also remember when Castro took over Cuba.
Okay, I just googled it: Castro took Cuba in 1959, so I was 8. Eisenhower's heart attack was 1955, so I was 4.
— requisitename
- Baby Jessica rescued from a well in 1987.
— cherokee__fade
- Micheal Jackson dying.
— wingsofdark
- Bill Clinton's blowjob.
— Baggabones88
- The collapse of the Soviet Union.
— chksum
- 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.
— etopian