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What is a proven fact, that people still refuse to believe?
- That the violent crime rate in the U.S. has been on a steady decline for the last 25 years or so.
— unassumingdink
- There are more Subways in the world than McDonald's
Edit: restaurants FUCK
— Supermans_Taint
- Shaving does not cause hair to grow back faster, thicker, or darker. Why people still believe this old wives' tale is beyond me.
— Ham_Kitten
- That the world is a safer place now than in any other time in history
— kFrog98
- Cracking finger joints does not cause arthritis.
— s0ulsl4ught3rr
- The [Monty Hall problem]( You have the best chance at winning the prize if you switch your pick.
— btravis72
- Teaching kids about sex actually reduces teen pregnancy.
— DigNitty
- Dinosaurs are real.
— HalfNatty
- Video games do not turn people into obese sloths or serial killers.
— mastaofspasta