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What Do You Wish Men Knew About Flirting?

  1. Gents, if you are approaching 30 with a solid job you are essentially a Division 1 football player to women of the same age. Have some confidence.
    — F1reatwill88

  2. Know when to stop and move on.
    — Emma450

  3. Oh goody! I'm going to save this thread, come back in a few days and soak up all the knowledge. I'm going to be a fucking tornado of suave at next weeks bingo night.
    — whenharrykilledsally

  4. I Wish They Knew That Capitalizing Every Word Doesn't Work
    — AdamantForeskin

  5. Don't come on real hard. Start off talking like you'd talk to a new friend. Be friendly, say hello. If they converse with you and you are having a conversation start in on the flirting, if they dont seem to even want to talk to you, move on.
    — ToxicLuv

  6. The most simple advice I could give is to stop doing the thing where you walk up to a complete stranger and ask for her number. It's hard on you, makes her uncomfortable and rarely works unless you're a professional salesman or you're very attractive. Instead try something like, "Hi, I'm [your name and a bit about who you are], I noticed you [something unique about her that got your attention]." She'll probably introduce herself, then you can have a polite conversation about something she does/wears etc. preferably not something obvious she hears about ten times a day. When it starts to lag, ask "Are you interested in getting to know each other?" If she says no, ask if she'd like to take your number in case anything changes, no pressure. If she says no again, wish her a good day and move on. There are billions of women in the world and you just don't have the time to bother with one who isn't into you as well when some out there will be into you. Think of it as though you're sifting through them looking for the right one for you. Don't focus on the inevitable rejections. Just move on, keep looking. Idealizing one and putting her on a pedestal feels like you're honoring her, but if she's not into you it will just annoy her that you're fixating. If she says yes, exchange contact info and get to actually know her and eventually hang out a few times. Don't mention or hint at anything sexual until she does, play it by ear from there. If it never happens, you either don't click or she's low libido or asexual. If you're fine with that, great. You've found her. If that's a deal breaker, start over. The point of that approach is to come across like a human who recognized she's a human. Approach her brain instead of approaching her vagina. You'll be a rare man if you do so. This is advice for guys who want a relationship. My insight could possibly be manipulated to get hookups or one night stands but I'd rather it not be.
    — vozmozhnost

  7. If a woman isn't making eye contact, back off. Even if she's smiling and/or verbally responding, a lack of eye contact shows discomfort. Move on.
    — The36thChild

  8. Get in here ladies I need some answers.
    — 4benny2lava0

  9. When to stop. If I'm clearly not interested, that doesn't mean try harder. It means go away.
    — Ohshhhhmamas

  10. I have nothing to add except I thought that the title said "fisting" and came to the comments only to be thoroughly disappointed.
    — datdudebdub