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What is a big NO-NO during intercourse?

  1. Lying about birth control. Lying about your age if you are a minor. Not telling me about any possible STI you may have.

  2. Calling your wife by your ex-wife's name. Let me tell you that does not end on a happy note.
    — middleagenotdead

  3. Believing someone you don't really know or trust when they say, "I can't get pregnant."
    — ezaspie03

  4. "oh yeah you like that?" "uh huh" "I'm gonna fuck you" "Okily dokily"
    — anokayapple

  5. Breaking the condom and pretending it's still there
    — GGU_Kakashi

  6. The belly button may **look** like a good entry point. *BUT IT ISN'T*.

  7. First hand experience; doing it on the beach. There is no way sand isn't gonna... it just isn't.
    — NWBoomer

  8. Joking about pregnancy. I have a now ex that texted me a picture of a positive pregnancy test at 3am. Then she got mad because I called her immediately asking about it. She got mad because I needed to chill and it was just a joke. Edit: I didn't freak out. We were 18/19 at the time so I just asked if she had told her parents and how she was feeling.
    — Smump

  9. Blowing forcefully into orifice.
    — dlicky123

  10. Talking about past hookups with previous partners DURING sex. Like "Oh hey, this reminds me of this one time where-" NO STOP I DON'T NEED TO KNOW
    — gortonanonymous

  11. Compare her to her mom.
    — doc_moses