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What is Reddit Gold similar to in real life?

  1. Those useless gold stars you get in kindergarten.
    — BloodThirstyChimera

  2. A handjob from a blind homeless man
    — jeffster88

  3. A voucher for a free small soda at McDonalds
    — canyoutriforce

  4. Giving $3.50 to the loch ness monster
    — Lostdingo

  5. It's like saying "Thank you".
    — monteqzuma

  6. Pat on the back
    — leSpring

  7. Some useless gift I guess. I got a wristwatch for working 15 years. I don't even wear a watch. :p
    — cherokee__fade

  8. In terms of actual value? A firm pat on the back In terms of reddit value? Suddenly becoming insanely hot. As you're scrolling through the comments section, not reading anything, you may see that yellow circle which will make you stop and make you read/listen to what this person had to say.
    — kerrabria

  9. Half used gift card that's about to expire soon.
    — ReverseGusty

  10. In college I was able to pick up an extra certificate on my diploma by taking four different soc classes. The certificate is tangentially related to my current career, and looks nice on my resume. But I don't think it's ever actually gotten me anything. Though theoretically there are a few scenarios where it might actually help me. Reddit gold is kinda like that.
    — ConneryFTW

  11. A participation trophy.
    — emthejedichic

  12. Remember when you were a kid, and you got new shoes, and you thought they made you run faster? Yeah, exactly like that.
    — viper9