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What is something people do for attention that you absolutely can't stand?

  1. There's a girl in the office who likes to slowly go round all the other women in the office and say to them in a hushed tone "I hope no one has noticed I'm wearing the same outfit as yesterday, I didn't have time to go home and change this morning after meeting this guy...". We pay no attention to what you are wearing, so none of us have noticed. That's probably why you needed to confide in all of us.
    — Emily_Starke

  2. "Checking in" to a hospital on Facebook.
    — CalculonsPride

  3. Genuinely attractive girls posting pictures on social media captioned "I look so ugly today" fishing for attention.
    — Slaughterhouse451

  4. My coworker will sigh over, and over, *and over.* I never take the bait. She wants me to ask her what's wrong. If I do, she'll just say, "*Nothing*." UGH.
    — spindlemaker

  5. Super short/vague Facebook statuses phishing for sympathy comments...
    — MastrM

  6. CC all of management and staff on emails every time they do any little thing. We call those people "atta boys". Always looking for a pat on the back.
    — SusanxStrange

  7. Worked in retail, the worst is when customers will make comments near an employee to get their attention without actually asking directly. *goes near an employee* "I wonder where I could find shovels... hmm..."
    — Nepoxx

  8. There's a girl in my daughters class that throws herself on the floor and cries if she is given a bad grade. She will be a junior this fall, in high school. She's ranked #1 because mommy had the grading system changed.
    — kelloggflakes

  9. Fall down. This girl in high school fell down all the time like she was so ditzy she couldn't even stand up. Drove me crazy.
    — A3mercury

  10. One-up people who just told a story or anecdote. One-uppers just *have* to have the last word, and pull the attention firmly back onto them. There's a difference between relating to someone's story and just one-upping it or making it about you, and a lot of people don't seem to understand the difference.

  11. I go to a lot of theater. There's always one person whose laughter is performative; louder and longer than everybody else's. It's just a way of saying "Hey, I'm really getting this. Getting this more than you. Don't forget about me, I know I'm not on stage but don't forget about me"
    — duh_metrius