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What type of person will never make sense to you?
- People who cut you off and then go slow. What the heck???
— WaitingForAPunchline
- People that talk negatively about others behind their backs, but can't even take even the most constructive criticism
— doughedup
- People that get mad at you because of something you did on their dreams.
— SkodaSucks
- People who can have such strong opinions with so little evidence. I'll never understand the lack of curiosity of some humans.
— Manatee_Soup
- People who litter, but specifically people who litter out their car window. Just why? I'm sure wherever you're going will have a trashcan or you'll at least be near one again at some point in your life.
— reclusive_socialite
- Judgmental stay at home moms.
— emilyrebekah
- Someone who can't/ won't figure things out for themselves. They rely on others to think for them. It's exhausting.
— T-RexWantsToHunt
- People who are pathological liars. Seriously, I know you didn't get shot in the hand fighting off a gang. I'm your sister, I know that scar is from falling off a skateboard. It doesn't even look like a gunshot wound.
— Icewaterforall
- Religious people who are just horrible people but it's somehow okay because they go to church
— LITtuce_
- People who think being miserable and depressed makes them interesting and mysterious.
— Paulius2444
- The constant victim. The person who is always being oppressed and taken advantage of, yet does nothing to better their situation and just complains about ever facet of their life.
— Journey_For_Bernie
- Fucking anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, anyone who believes some bullshit pseudoscience thing. How the hell do you fall for that
— JH159753
- I hate people who are willfully ignorant. They reject all information that contradicts their opinions because they are unable to admit that they are wrong.
— Wafflecakeandbacon