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Who does the world need now more than ever?

  1. The Avatar
    — yolochengbeast

  2. Mr Rogers
    — Statscollector

  3. Judging by this thread, the world needs more people who can distinguish between the words "who" and "what."
    — RamsesThePigeon

  4. People with critical thinking skills.
    — CliffRacer17

  5. Wackyinflatablearmflailingtubeman
    — Citizen-1

  6. Calm, rational leaders who listen to experts and communicate well to explain why changes have to be made
    — JustADamn_Dirty_Ape

  7. The *real* Slim Shady
    — YtrapEhtNioj

  8. Batman. Where was he when the clowns attacked?
    — Matire-Lotus

  9. George Carlin! I would LOVE to hear his opinion on all this bullshit going on right now.
    — mywookieisrabid