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What unconventional physical features do you find super attractive?
- Sharp canines. Dont know why. Just do.
— GoingGoingGonzo3195
- Crow's feet on older guys when they smile, makes me a little giddy.
— beckythump
- My wife's nose.
She has a big hang-up about it, and really wants to get plastic surgery done on it.
It's a little large, and has a good bump on it. I always found that attractive, and have told her that many times, but she still thinks it ruins her face, and desperately wants to get a nose job.
— jacob_ewing
- tall strong women who can offer me a good challenge when we wrestle and will birth me strong sons to rule over my lands and defend against hostile tribes.
— Mequittingthenet
- My girlfriend talks out of the side of her mouth. She is super sensitive about it but I think it's the cutest thing in the world.
— ThaTaoOfWu
- Small tits, pale skin, freckles, and dimples aren't exactly considered unattractive, Reddit
— FederalReserveNote
- My girlfriend has glasses but when she takes them off one eye is just a slight bit wonky and it's just adorable
— BipolarrBearrr
- Eyebrows. All the guys I've liked in my past have had really strong, clean eyebrows.
It's completely subconcious and I have no idea why.
— _Hashtag_Cray_
- Hands.
When I was a kid, I saw Mona Lisa from my grammar school art book....The fist time I saw her, with her hands on her do I say this...I had a boner.
— Kira_Queen
- Me: "Please say guys with small dicks!"
— LostParader
- super tall girls.
im a 5'10" guy but i like girls who are 6'2"-6'4".
— -my-troll-account-
- Dark eye circles. Hnnng.
— sculptorchris
- Weird I know but I like a guy with long fingers. It's just instantly attractive to me lol
— untilwhenevervip