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What are the unwritten rules of Reddit?

  1. If you can't think of a good comment, just make a shitty meta reference
    — Barack-YoMama

  2. Don't try to change reddit or make it "better". If you ask sex questions reddit will reveal that it has fucked your mother. If you have not been banned from a subreddit you are not doing it right.
    — mrhymer

  3. When commenting on a pic, always point out something obscure in the background of the photo. Reddit loves that.
    — nihaonan

  4. For gods sake don't hint that you might have an IQ above 101
    — mr_droopy_butthole

  5. Upvote the post you're responding to so your comment has a better chance of being seen
    — VictorBlimpmuscle

  6. Scream like an ape when you see a repost and then shit your pants. Other redditors will follow suit.
    — TJBrady182

  7. Read "What's your unpopular opinion?" as "What's your unpopular opinion so I can downvote you?", and respond with a widely accepted opinion for karma.
    — Wafflecakeandbacon

  8. Keep your politics to political subreddits
    — CygnusX-1001001

  9. OP never returns to report on what was in the safe.
    — nightintheslammer

  10. Don't disagree with the hive mind.
    — tcw1