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If you knew the next thing you attempted would have a 0% chance of failure, what would it be?

  1. Winning the lottery
    — GodMustBeAFK

  2. Developing a small machine that can turn garbage directly into cash.
    — ZsaFreigh

  3. Phone up the government - "Hey, can you guys grant me an exemption to all taxes and a monthly income of a million dollars per month pegged to inflation for the rest of my life? Thanks!"
    — TheMightyGoatMan

  4. Yeah winning the lottery would be my choice too. I wouldn't be able to hold back the grin on my face as I go to purchase a ticket that I absolutely know for sure is going to be the jackpot. It's like literally buying millions of dollars with spare change. Waiting for the draw to actually happen would be excruciating, like being a kid just days before Christmas.
    — priteeboy

  5. i'd finish the painting i'm afraid to touch because i don't want to mess it up.
    — bsd8andahalf_1

  6. Get married. Have a fullfilling marriage for the rest of my life. Sounds like a win to me!
    — Goldwing97

  7. A lot of these are variations on "get a lot of money." That's thinking too small, IMO. I'd invent a device that can take me to any alternate universe that meets conditions I set, with complete safety and no monkey's paw-style malicious interpretation of my conditions. (The device would be kind of like the portal devices from Rick and Morty or Sliders, but with complete control.) With that, I could move to an Earth that's my idea of perfect (world peace, no crime, cures for every disease and mortality itself, Star Trek-style replicators providing anything I want/need, a political system that aligns with my preferences, etc.). For fun, I could visit realities that match my favorite fictional universes or explore the art/entertainment of worlds where, for example, the Beatles never broke up, more art survived from ancient and Renaissance artists (or where the Renaissance is currently happening), great TV shows reached their creators' intended endings rather than being canceled early, or various interesting combinations of artists collaborated (music supergroups, movie/TV directors/writers/actors, comic book writers/artists, etc.).
    — kane2742

  8. Find a boyfriend.
    — Paradoxmt

  9. Develop a general intelligence self aware AI and tell it to make paperclips.
    — MosheMoshe42

  10. Asking out my crush
    — olivier_wmv

  11. I would attempt to fail on purpose and watch the universe implode because of the paradox that I created.
    — Mantisbog

  12. Convince my parents to stop drinking
    — Alicia_Li

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