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What, in your opinion, is the meaning of life?
- There is no real meaning.
By all means, create your own meanings if you desire. But there's no one true reason or meaning to anything in my opinion.
— LucidName
- Keep learning, keep teaching, apply knowledge.
— PompeyMagnus1
- *"Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly;
Man got to sit and wonder 'why, why, why?'
Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land;
Man got to tell himself he understand.”*
Kurt Vonnegut
— Vowell33
- >In your opinion
Be happy.
— Numba-5-alive
- Make finding happiness easier for future generations
— jarmeister
- Live life. Enjoy life. Eat, drink, fuck and be merry.
It ain't why why why, it just is.
— ausernameitis
- To acquire knowledge. I'm forever learning.
— Aiure
- To fuck and to travel. :)
— banal_animal
- We are all windows that the universe uses to look at itself. In the end we are not individual but parts of a whole, and the meaning of life is to see the beauty of the universe.
— hannibe
- To live a full life filled with as much happiness that is possible. Feel good about giving, be thankful of receiving. Keep family close, love deeply, and live without regrets. Fail many times to learn and enjoy the successes no matter how many or how few. As you pass may you pass peacefully.
— bluecorvette937
- Just use an online dictionary. Why does this one question stump like everyone.
— atlgeo
- To feed my cat
— Xxxx3
- 42
— ImAThiefHelp
- The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
— kcsouth
- As an individual, I think it's to continually grow into the best person I can be and to make the world a better place than it would have been without me.
As a species, I think our purpose is to protect and nurture all things within our sphere of influence while expanding our understanding of the universe. Ultimately, I hope our purpose will expand. That we'll grow beyond the boundaries of physical perception and truly understand every aspect and influence on/in the universe in a more encompassing, intuitive way.
Expressing myself philosophically is a little out of my wheelhouse, so I'm sorry if this isn't clear. Basically, I think the meaning of life is to discover and learn about every facet of existence that we can.
— thelivingroad
- To try against all odds to olny take a shit in your pants once in your life[.](
— boseo