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What do you miss about yourself?
- I used to be so creative. Writing, drawing, playing music. And it's just all gone. I get up, go to work, come home, and go to bed. Day in and day out. I feel dead inside.
— BookerDeWittsCarbine
- The ability to really get into things (fictional worlds, hobbies).
— cucumberbrain
- The happy guy I used to be.
— KatyLiedTheBitch
- Being able to get drunk off like 2 beers
— Kerrigannn
- I was never going to be *that* person....the office slave, working a dumbass 9-5 with no ulterior meaning in life. When I was young I was creative. I had hopes and dreams and ideas. I loved to build and learn.
Now? I'm an adult, I go to my *8* to 5 job, come home, sleep and repeat the process. I am nowhere I am supposed to be. I'm in a horrible relationship dictated by my SO's parents. My job is stagnant. I have no upward mobility and it's all self-induced.
I hate the person I have become but its become so ingrained I can't find my way out. I miss the days of my youth, when I felt like I could be someone.
— SalmonforPresident
- My memory.
Seriously, it used to be so good and now it's not. More holes than Swiss cheese.
— Budgiejen
- The two biggest are being able to look forward to things and being able to sleep.
I remember my dad told me a long time ago that I showed him the difference between being a kid and an adult. A kid is always saying "I can't wait for this!" or "I can't wait to do that!" And adults always say "I can't wait for this to be over." Or "I can't wait till I finish that."
— MrMerf
- The feeling of potential and possibility that I once had. So much of the delight of life when you're young has to do with the feeling that anything could happen, that so much amazing possibility lies ahead. The older I get, the narrower the range of possibilities seems to be.
— brilliantretard
- I miss how creative I used to be. I put music/my guitar on the back burner for a couple of years to deal with life, and now that I’m getting back to it, I just don’t have the magic I used to.
Yet, anyway. I’m determined to get back to myself.
— imfinethough
- that lack of sense of responsibility i had when i was a kid. I did things just because i could, without thinking about the potential consequences, and now i tend to overthink everything and too often abort plans to do something that could be fun - but could go wrong instead of just doing it and don't care.
— MaralDesa
- I miss not being stressed out. I don't remember the last time I had a day where i *didn't* break down into tears. There's nothing worse than feeling like you aren't accomplishing things when in reality you are...
— musiccat25
- I used to have great talks with myself, but lately I'm having trouble finding the time.(fuck people who think you shouldn't talk to yourself. It's enlightening)
Isn't that right, other barry?
— PatheticPathologist
- Dreaming
— uniqu_usernam
- how happy I was when I was with my ex boyfriend. On top of that, all of my friends have left me and I feel like the biggest, ugliest loser in the world. I'd do anything to achieve that level of happiness again.
— diarrheahallucinate