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What is your most hated company and why?

  1. Comcast. They're too expensive, and they tweet pretending to support Net Neutrality all while supporting legislation to end it.
    — InterstellarPyrosome

  2. Kirby. They trick you into a "demonstration" or "free carpet cleaning," then trap you in your own home while they lie to you and pressure you to buy an extremely overpriced machine that you don't need. They prey on the elderly too. They set up fake situations involving the demonstrator not having transportation, meaning that they need to be picked up and dropped off, in order to stick you with their sales people longer and make you feel bad if they need to call their boss and say they didn't make the sale. They also prey on the poor people selling it. It isn't a real job for most. They should just make a decently-priced product and put it in stores or fold, honestly.
    — Two_kids_two_pugs

  3. The Church of Scientology.
    — RIPGeorgeHarrison

  4. My local cellphone/internet providers. Bullshit fees, inconsistent service (can go hours with no internet in rainy days), and if you want to complain you have to call them and wait more than 40 min to talk to someone who won't be able to help you. Oh, and there is only 3 of them, all with the same terrible service, so you can't change to a better option and they pay the government to make sure it stays this way. Fuck them.
    — Ph0nus

  5. Herbalife. They prey on poor Hispanic communities and ruin lives.
    — ekpg

  6. Surprised Autism Speaks isn't up here yet. And let me tell you why I fucking hate that organization and the bastards that run it. - They give less than 2% to autism families and those with autism. - They have no autistic members on their board, and the one who was on their board left because he supposedly couldn't deal with them anymore. - They run controversial ads that don't paint autism in a good light at all. - They propagate the rhetoric that autism is tragic, there's no hope, and whether you're mild or severe, your life will *forever* be *endless suffering.* - They ignore the voices of those with autism, don't include them in decisions, and try to discredit the ones among them who are loud and relentless by dismissing and mocking their experience as not valid. - Autism Speaks reaches out to families by listing the deficits, difficulties and “pain” an autistic child will experience “forever”. - Autism Speaks makes videos that paints autism as the cause of all the troubles in the world. - Autism Speaks has no problem in allowing a board member to advertise her macabre wish to murder her autistic daughter, and when a parent actually murders an autistic child, Autism Speaks “understands” the murderer (blaming lack of services) and demonizes the victim. - They believe autistic people are to blame for America's financial crisis. - When autistic people say they are proud of being who they are, Autism Speaks says this is not possible, that they are not “really” autistic, since, according to Autism Speaks, autism only manifests itself as screaming, hitting, soiling, having pain and not communicating. What's worst of all? **Not a lot of parents or autistic people know this.** Parents more than autistic people, I tend to witness. The Facebook page has been liked by ***almost 2 million people***. And when I educate parents on Facebook--the only reason I myself like the page--they don't know the danger Autism Speaks creates. Fundraisers are created for the pathetic excuse of a fucking charity as well. One's held every year in my state, by a mom in honor of her severely autistic daughter. Ohh if only she knew not much was going to her daughter at all. If you want to donate to autism, **your local autism society is your best bet.** Or, Google a list of good autism charities. Info taken from [this page, from the Autism Women's Network.](
    — ByeByeFlutterPie

  7. AT&T. Just got the Oct 1st update to my phone. It's practically December. WTF?
    — WaywardSonata

  8. The mother in law. Whenever she comes over I pretty much just have to sit there and listen to her complain about people. But she's just a shut in.
    — DrSteveChipperson

  9. Jared. I cant stand their commercials.
    — inmediasr3s

  10. Comcast fucks a ton of people over
    — MAKVideos