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Redditors, what is your favorite thread?
- Fuck your "grilled cheeses"
— Bramwell2010
- [This thread]( on /r/HighQualityGifs where /u/rooster_86 satirizes predictable comments by populating his own thread with them. He even does his own version of a /u/poem_for_your_sprog poem
— -eDgAR-
- When some guy writes a hilarious story on
"What is the laziest thing you've ever done?"
— Mas_Zeta
- The post where a guy didn't know why his entire computer was in Spanish. Everyone responds in Spanish.
— yepimasian
- Not my favorite, but the one I remember the most.
A month before I got married, there was a topic on AskReddit about [wedding disasters]( Reading through that made me think of all of the bad things that could happen at my wedding.
Thankfully, none of them did.
— thirtytwoutside
He didn't realize he was asking this in /r/fantasyfootball and got great advice anyway.
— dazuperstar
- "PT Cruiser owners of Reddit, what tragedy burdened you with your car?"
— nachonaco
- [You can have sex with one real person from all of human history - who is your ultimate lay?](
— TheRealBarrelRider
- Ya, you like that? You fucking retard
— Bramwell2010
- [Every account on Reddit is a bot except you](
— mae3780