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Gamers of Reddit, what's the one game that you could always come back to no matter what?

  1. Fallout: New Vegas. I've joined/warred with every faction and gang across a few playthroughs, but something about playing a laser (horseless) cowboy is endlessly thrilling.
    — kylelally

  2. Super Smash Bros or Mario Kart 64, they are great drinking games to play with your friends and just an overall blast. If I'm by myself, literally any console Zelda game (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess). I will always be a Nintendo supporter just because of the nostalgia.
    — TravelingNoisemaker

  3. Mostly GBA games, they are in a perfect spot between old and recent enough to not look horrible. Mostly Fire Emblem and Pokémon, i can play those games anytime.
    — dadouks

  4. Borderlands 2 I've put hundreds of hours into it and I still manage to find new shit when I do a fresh play-through.
    — Lt_Col_Anguss

  5. Diablo II and the Lord of Destruction expansion pack
    — thedoompatrol97

  6. Pokemon. Personally I prefer the older gens, but Pokemon will always be there no matter what.
    — jadoscars

  7. Civilization 5.
    — UncleMike7777