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What has never gone out of style?

  1. The word cool. It's meant the same thing for over a hundred years.
    — AmbidextrousDyslexic

  2. Some of my hoodies are older than some of the redditors, here. And they're still 'in-style" in certain circles.
    — shrekine

  3. Blue jeans.
    — WhatsAMisanthrope

  4. The "acknowledgment" nod.
    — solarspider

  5. Buying legos for the kids for the holiday and realized legos have been king since their onset.
    — FragileWhiteWoman

  6. Leather motorcycle jackets. The same design has been around since what, WWI?
    — kingeryck

  7. Hating on pop music. Every generation thinks the previous generations of music were golden compared to their present day. It’s all rose-colored glasses and nostalgia.
    — blacktrickswazy

  8. Graffiti. It can be found in acient greece, roman houses or the Hagia Sophia. Graffiti remains popular well into modern age.
    — regdayrf2

  9. Converse
    — saiyansaul

  10. Hating fellow humans. We've been doing it now for somewhere in the neighborhood of 70,000 years and we're doing it now more than ever with the help of the internet.
    — derpattk