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What's a good example of men and women doing the same task in different ways?

  1. Women use a stick to write their name in the snow.
    — Techwood111

  2. Take off their shirts
    — sixthK5

  3. Men drive a car like this (n˘v˘•)¬ and women drive like this (~’.')~
    — Zombie_Morty

  4. Many moons ago, my girlfriend and I started taekwondo classes together. On the first day, we got our uniforms, which had been shipped in clear plastic bags. I ripped mine open to get to the uniform, while my g/f found the ziploc thingy and unzipped it and carefully removed hers that way. When we got back to class from the changerooms, the instructor was holding both our bags up in front of the class and said jokingly, "This is the difference between men and women, right here"
    — nirgle

  5. Bringing shopping bags inside. -Grabs all 10 bags- ONE TRIP!

  6. If you see people at a gas station... a guy normally shakes the nozzle afterwards
    — dognus88

  7. I had a teacher once who told the class to all look at their fingernails. The men curled their hands in and looked at them that way while the women stretched their hands out palms facing away. So maybe that.
    — elise835

  8. Men check their nails with the half fist and women do the reverse palm check
    — louierosner