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What was banned in your school?

  1. Walking in groups of more than two... You can guess how long that one lasted Edit: To those asking, the rule applied to those year 9 and above (~14+) because supposedly the younger kids (11-14) found it 'intimidating' when there were more than two of us walking together
    — somereallycoolstuff

  2. Hats. *"They signal that you're in a gang."* Proceeds to let some girl wear a trenchcoat and fedora every goddamn day.
    — RatKingV

  3. Hugging as greeting. Apparently things were getting inappropriate (middle school). Instead, we were told to exchange high-fives.
    — secret_dumbledore

  4. Snow forts, then snowball forts, then snowballs, then snow alltogether
    — AbortionBruser

  5. headphones school administrators thought that they encouraged antisocial behavior.
    — loki8481

  6. Its a story i told a few times ago, but here it is. In high school, we were banned from using the word "Killed" in gym games, boards games, etc... Use "gentle" words like Out, eliminated, etc... When one girl was killed in a car accident, people said the she was eliminated or out. We had a handful of stupids bans like this. Also, war games were fine as long that we don't see the actual killing. World of tanks and War thunder was fine, but Halo: CE wasn't. EDIT: A word.
    — jeffQC1

  7. In my middle school, if we couldn't see the white board we'd yell enhance and make the stupid corresponding hand movement. It got to the point where it was so disruptive the word 'Enhance' got banned.
    — beingAdisaster

  8. My entire town banned silly string
    — FdauditingGbro

  9. Skulls. Like skulls on a shirt
    — Reaching2Hard

  10. Using the computers in free IT rooms at lunchtime. Even for work. When we asked why, According to IT, school computers had a clock where they could only be on for a certain amount of time every day, or they they switch themselves off. BS
    — pat6089

  11. Pokemon cards and dodgeball , also pink shirts. Pink long shirts were associated with a sub set blood gang called the valentine bloods.
    — OvyZ_

  12. Axe body spray, it turned into a war zone and halls were closed because you could not breath in them.
    — zmanofkool

  13. Having water bottles at your desk, because someone decided to fill theirs with vodka.
    — PsychoHillbilly

  14. Jolly got to the point where in my middle school kids were dealing them like drugs and making money. Still not sure why kids would pay a dollar for a jolly when they can buy a bag of 50 for like 5 bucks.
    — ryhan123

  15. Home lunches, which I’m pretty sure was illegal. Some freshmen decided to make drug cocktail brownies and got so fucked up ambulances we’re called. I was walking through the parking lot and an administrator confiscated my sandwich because he said he “couldn’t identify the contents.” They were meat croquettes. Fuck that guy.
    — gentlesting