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What's something gullible people always fall for?

  1. Advertisement. Everyone thinks he's more intelligent, than the advertisement agencies. Yet it's a billion dollar market around the globe.
    — regdayrf2

  2. Facebook articles with no sources. They and chain mail (no not the armour) or chain messages.
    — trildemex

  3. That stupid thanksgiving prank where they put a 'baby turkey' into a bigger turkey, "oh my god it was pregnant so sad nd gross", yeah uh turkeys are birds, Mikayla.
    — DogWithADog

  4. Scare tactics in general. More reason to teach logical fallacies starting in primary school.
    — aShinyNewLife

  5. Promises written on the side of a bus.
    — Hrax535

  6. Hey, it says gullible on the ceiling!
    — _pmmelootboxes_

  7. Sales
    — degrassisuperfan

  8. No hard to pronounce chemicals in their food.
    — packpeach

  9. Multi level marketing schemes. Leggings, makeup, canniboids, body wraps etc.. Basically all of the “Own your own business” products sold by stay-at-home moms on Facebook.
    — Nitro999