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What are your "must have" ingredients in your kitchen?

  1. Black pepper 100%
    — clivedauthi

  2. Water
    — Zakaria_LPQ

  3. Smoked paprika.
    — Lucker_svk

  4. Olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, eggs, milk.
    — originalmoon

  5. Garlic salt. Goes in a lot of my favorite recipes, even my instant ramen.
    — 50ShadesOfKrillin

  6. Phone numbers for delivery
    — 4usernames

  7. Za'atar
    — shlemazeltov

  8. Water, potatoes, onions, garlic, pasta, sunflower oil, flour and rice
    — mortex09

  9. Several varieties and strengths of hot-sauce
    — kerrangutan

  10. Onions. Salt.
    — Janigiraffey

  11. Fresh garlic, olive oil, butter, salt and pepper, rosemary, mustard of any variety, tomato's, carrots, celery, onions, some form of stock product (liquid, that concentrate stuff in jars, or bullion). Never a bad idea to keep some good pasta and a baguette or good bread around. That stuff makes a good base for pretty much any soup or pasta dish. As far as cuts of meat go I would suggest storing pork loin( the kind you buy that's shaped like a log) in the freezer in thirds(a good size for meal portions.) Other spices or herbs are really up to you as the cook, and can be as complex or simple as you want.
    — stillstandinghere

  12. Cumin, garlic salt, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, black pepper, sea salt, chili powder. Italian herbs(basil, oregano, thyme, parsley) and curry powder are nice to have as well for variation. You can mix combinations of these spices onto just about any meat and make something good.
    — DadWagonDriver